PECO and GAMECO – A Trusted Partnership

Our customers know they can trust and rely on PECO for their filtration needs. The PECO product lines range from the traditional filter cartridges to the latest in advanced filtration media and contaminant removal processes.PECO has been active in the Oil & Gas and Energy markets for many years and understand the contamination removal process, continuously producing innovative solutions. PECO and Gameco approach filtration solutions with the view of the contaminant dictating the method of removal, ensuring the right selection for our customer’s application requirements.With over 20 years of experience representing PECO products on the East Coast of Australia, and a wide range of stock on the shelf ready for immediate dispatch, GAMECO can help you find the filtration, coalescing or separation solution that is both efficient and cost effective for your process.
The GAMECO StrengthGAMECO understands how critical it is to negate or minimise both planned and unplanned process disruptions. With that in mind, GAMECO strives to ensure it meets and exceeds the needs of the customer. Here are some key points to consider.
- Filter Element Stocks – GAMECO prides itself in understanding the customer’s requirements and usage patterns, and holding and replenishing stocks accordingly.
- A Big Footprint – With warehouses and operations in Australia and New Zealand, GAMECO ably services the needs of customers throughout Australasia.
- Experienced Personnel – GAMECO’s personnel have had many years in the energy industry in technical and leadership roles, and understand the needs of the industry and available solutions.
- PECO Australia Support – With PECO well represented in Australia, GAMECO enjoys the full back-up of the PECO engineering, inventory, manufacturing, laboratory testing, and R&D capability
Gameco – A Holistic Approach To FiltrationTo get the most out of filtration system, it is critical to understand the process conditions and the desired outcomes. Filtration housings need to be designed to work in harmony with the filter elements, to ensure consistent flow and efficient filtration with prolonged effective element life.
Superior Technologies and a Revolutionary Approach to Filter CoalescersThe Patented Gemini range of Vessels, resolve a huge level of risk, allowing operators to change elements while standing safely on the ground, with no requirement for confined space entry or working at heights. All this while providing one of the worlds most efficient filtration & coalescing technologies, massively extending cartridge life and lowering maintenance costs.Please click for
Peco products overview.To get more information about PECO Filtration in Australia and separation needs, including elements, vessels and closures please contact Gameco Brisbane (07) 3377 7999